Welcome to Katie's Chao Planet!!!

Moods and Feelings

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Animals and Chaos Drives

Chao have different moods there mood is shown by the ball/spike/halo floating above there head. Here are some moods they could have and what the ball/spike/halo will look like.


When a chao has a ball/spike/halo floating above it's head it's probably not thinking of anything in particular.


If it has a big heart floating above it's head you probably did something good to it like petting it.


If it has a big qustion mark floating above it's head it's probably thinking or confused by something.


If a chao has a big exclamation mark floating above it's head it's probably excited or about to do something like come over to you or eat some fruit.


If it has a big tornado swirl floating above it's head it means it isn't very happy or it might be tired.


When a chao has it's eyes closed and it laying down it is probably asleep so be careful not to pet it of pick it up becaaus this will wake it up and make it unhappy.

Please do not steal anything from here if you want anything to use on your webside or for any other commercial purpose please contact me.Katie's Chao Planet is an unofficial fansite and is not associated with or supported by SEGA or Sonic Team. Chao, Sonic, the Sonic adventure series, and the sonic advanced series is (c) SEGA 1999-2006.