Welcome to Katie's Chao Planet!!!

Chao Planet Map

What is a Chao?
Moods and Feelings
Chao Planet Map
Fun Stuff!
Animals and Chaos Drives

Here is the map of Chao Planet you can pick an area it will have different things depending on the area you are in.

Chao Planet is a planet inhabited by all sorts of different chao. It is a strange shaped planet with one gigantic mountain at the top, it has one moon that floats around the top near the mountain and it has a ring which when seen at the right time spells "chao planet".


This is what my Chao Planet looks like.




Neutral Part of the Planet

This where most of the neutral chao can be found but sometimes the odd hero or dark chao. This is also where most of the info about chao is and fun stuff can be found.

Go there now!

Hero Part of the Planet

This is mostly snowy mountain where the hero, and sometimes the neutral, chao hang out. The dark chao can't stand it here! You can find stuff about hero chao here.

Go there now!

Dark part of the Planet

This is the dark part of the planet is has a wintry wasteland, a scorching desert and damp caves full of nasty things. Perfect for any dark chao you will hardly ever find a hero chao here even the neutral chao don't really like it!

Go there now!

Please do not steal anything from here if you want anything to use on your webside or for any other commercial purpose please contact me.Katie's Chao Planet is an unofficial fansite and is not associated with or supported by SEGA or Sonic Team. Chao, Sonic, the Sonic adventure series, and the sonic advanced series is (c) SEGA 1999-2006.