Welcome to Katie's Chao Planet!!!


What is a Chao?
Moods and Feelings
Chao Planet Map
Fun Stuff!
Animals and Chaos Drives

Here are some videos


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

This one is about a chaos chao doing the super level in chao karate.


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

My Normal Chao Garden (Not mine it's just the name)
Just in case my pictures weren't good enough this might help you get an idea of what the normal garden looks like. Plus you can look at this person's chao!


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

Sonic asked the chao to plant the seed but he just goes around with it telling sonic how "sophisticated" he is.


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

The chao is crying because he is too "sophisticated".


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

Sonic goes around talking to the chao they are very dumb. It is very funny! No.3


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

More stupidly funny adventures with chao, this time in the dark garden.


(This is just a preveiw picture!)

Shadow, yes, with a unicorn! Hear what all the chao have to say about this! LOL 


Please do not steal anything from here if you want anything to use on your webside or for any other commercial purpose please contact me.Katie's Chao Planet is an unofficial fansite and is not associated with or supported by SEGA or Sonic Team. Chao, Sonic, the Sonic adventure series, and the sonic advanced series is (c) SEGA 1999-2006.