Chao are small creatures that live in the chao gardens. There are two eggs
in the garden when you first go to the chao world, they will hatch and you will have to look after them by giving them fruit
from the trees, chaos drives and small animals. Below is what a normal chao will look like. (From a normal egg just hatched).
You can get different colour chao from different colour eggs!
There are different ways to hatch your chao: just leave the egg and it will hatch naturally, throwing it against the wall
or shaking it: go up to the egg and pick it up but while picking it up keep hold of the b button when you have picked it up
(still pressing the b button) move the analogue stick around, when you think you have shook it enough let go of b and put
it down it should hatch very soon now.
Please do not steal anything from here if you want anything to use on your webside or for any
other commercial purpose please contact me.Katie's Chao Planet is an unofficial fansite and is not associated with or supported
by SEGA or Sonic Team. Chao, Sonic, the Sonic adventure series, and the sonic advanced series is (c) SEGA 1999-2006.